Sunday 30 November 2014

Natural Hair Styling

Hey, Honey Verans!  Here's an Article you will find interesting...

When I first began my transition to natural hair, I was concerned about two things: thickness and length. All of the articles I read re-enforced the same things — gentle hair handling, proper moisturizing, pH balancing and endless bouts of protective styling to gain and retain covetous length.
Women would debate (and some still do) if coloring your hair made you any less natural and a perfectly defined twist-out was considered everything. Now that we’re in the tail end of 2014 and on the precipice of 2015 (wasn’t it just May like two weeks ago?), a new natural aesthetic has taken over. Of course there will always be loyalists who won’t roll with the changing tide, but many of our favorite naturalistas and hair crushes have jumped in hair first and embraced change. Let’s take a look at 4 areas that are shifting and defining the aesthetics of natural hair:
1. Shaped & Tapered Cuts instead of Endless Length

Hair length has been a point of obsession for Black women long before natural hair even came about. Somehow, our beauty and social value became linked to the length of what grew out of our scalps. Many naturalistas are taking a “been there, done that” approach to long hair, and getting second big chops, tapered cuts or frequent trims to maintain a certain length and shape. This shift in style takes the focus away from hair growth challenges, length check videos, and the pressure to hit certain growth benchmarks along the natural hair journey. Short cuts are about self-expression, convenience and of course, style.
Jenell Stewart,

2. Not Being Afraid of Hair Dye

Somewhere in the mystic handbook of everything natural, there is a clause that states one can no longer be considered natural if she uses anything other than henna, juices, berries, and plants to dye her hair. Fortunately for us, that clause is outdated. I think I can safely say that we’ve arrived at a place where the full spectrum of what defines natural hair does not dis-include ladies that like color. Even with acceptance, there are still plenty of ladies are still on the fence about hair dye and their concerns are valid. But with all the knowledge and information circulating the web about how to care for colored hair, why not take the plunge and switch it up a little bit? Naturalistas everywhere (myself included) are stepping outside of their comfort zones and embracing new colors — from honey blonde highlights to purple ombre (and everything in between).
3. More Creativity with Protective Styling
photo credit:

Protective styling used to be a loathsome chore, full of unflattering tucked twists and braids. Even on their best day, most protective styles were still nothing more than glorified buns or a straight wig that looked nothing like your natural tresses. Thanks to the ever-present creativity and ingenuity of naturalistas everywhere, protective styling has become more inventive and glamorous than ever. Companies like Heat Free Hair, Big Chop Hair and even Indique are offering wigs and weaves that can look just like your own natural hair. Faux locs took off after the box braid and marley twist trend, allowing transitioners and naturals alike to experiment with the look sans commitment. I don’t think I even need to mention what crochet braids have done for folks in terms of protective styling.

4. A New Relationship with Frizz
Bianca Alexa,
It used to be all about achieving perfect curl definition for wash and go’s, or getting that uber defined braid-out. Combatting frizz used to be a major part of the conversation in caring for and styling natural hair. A few fro’ picks and upside-down diffusings later, the right amount of frizz is everything! Using lighter styling products and a little more fluff action to get that “day 3 look” on day 1 is the new goal. Perfectly defined hair has its place too, but the shift in embracing frizz (whether on purpose or because of the weather) is fly.
Sumetra Reed,

Do you think your attitude towards styling has shifted since the start of your natural hair journey?

All credit goes to the source of this article: Black Girl With Long Hair


Friday 28 November 2014

Having Great Hair Days!!!! YAYYYYY!!!

Christal-Ann is having great hair days! Why? She uses Honey Vera Products for Naturalistas and sistas of all hair types. Are you or anyone you know experiencing hair loss problems: receding hair lines, hair breakage and alopecia. Or are you or someone you know experiencing dandruff and eczema. 

Well Honey Verans, the solution is here! Try our Vanilla Castor-Coconut Hair Oil and our VeraGrow Scalp Tonic Hair Treatment. It has been helping many. It's turn! Wherever you are, we'll find you or you can...


Monday 24 November 2014

Let’s Talk TEXTURE

Kinky, curly, straight, crimpy, springy or ziggly. What is your texture? Ok Honey Verans, the texture of your hair is determined by the diameter of the hair shaft itself. Fine hair has the smallest diameter, thick hair has the largest and medium texture is somewhere in between. The texture of your hair plays one of the most important roles in how to care for your curls, not only through daily maintenance, but also when considering adding chemicals such as color and others that smooths your hair and other various changes.

Let's look at the different types of hair texture:

Fine Hair Texture: Fine hair can look very soft or loose and does not hold styles very well. Often appears dry, when in reality, it is often over-hydrated. It is easily abused by chemicals, but careful measures can be taken to care for it properly. Use moisturizers and emollients that contains protein, what it does is to act as a strengthener and gives fine hair strength and great structure.

Average Hair Texture: medium textured hair is considered "normal", meaning it has a texture in the intermediate range. No special consideration is required for adding chemicals so it is processed normally. Hair without intermediate range can generally withstand the abuse of products with a wide range of ingredients, but generally, it is advised that those persons with an average texture avoid penetrating the hair with too much the protein products.

Thick Hair Texture: Thick hair has a diameter much wider and stronger than fine hair or intermediate, typically does not keep a hairstyle very well, thus it is often dry and brittle due to excessive protein. Thick hair is much more difficult to process and often very resistant to chemicals.  Protein adds strength to a strand of hair so too can cause that thread becomes hard and dry like a "straw broom."

Ok Honey Verans it’s your turn. Analyze your hair and know your hair texture. Let us help you take care of your hair. Try OUR PRODUCTS


Friday 21 November 2014

Do you know the POROSITY of your hair?

Hey Honey Verans! Lets talk about porosity, it is the ability of your hair to absorb moisture and is determined by the state hair cuticle. The porosity is a critical factor to determine the importance curly hair care, since moisture is what define and shape the curls.  If you do not know the porosity of your hair, you may not make the best decisions about the products and the routine care that can maximize your hair moisture to keep your curls. Dryness is the # 1 cause of FRIZZ.

Now let’s discover the types porosity. There are three different classifications:

Low porosity

Low porosity is when the cuticle of the hair is too compact and does not allow moisture in and out of the hair surface. Hair with low porosity is much more difficult to process, is resistant to chemical services, and has a tendency to repel product is applied instead of absorbing it.

Normal porosity

Normal hair porosity has compact cuticle and inhibits moisture from entering and existing the surface of the hair, however, it permits normal processing when a chemical applied as it easily absorbs and retains the right products for this type of hair.

High porosity

Hair with high porosity, also known as "overly porous", has an open cuticle, which absorbs and releases moisture easily. The highly porous hair processes very quickly and can be easily damaged if the correct measures and proper care is not taken when chemicals are applied. Although porous hair overly absorbs the products more quickly, it is often dry, as the cuticle’s open retention does not allow product into the hair for long periods.

Its your turn Honey Verans! What’s Your Porosity?

To determine the porosity of your hair, hold a strand of hair between your fingers.  Slide your fingers over your hair follicles, while sliding upwards your hair feels like a wrinkling thread, your hair is highly porous. If it feels soft, has normal porosity. If your fingers move fast on the strand and it feels exceptionally slick, you have low porosity.

Another test to determine its porosity is:
1.) Take a few strands of her hair and place in a bowl with water.
2.) Let them sit there for two to four minutes.
3.) Observe your hair. If the hair is floating in the water, has low porosity. If your hair is sinking, has high porosity.

Moisturize with VeraGrow ScalpTonic and retain that moisture you need with our Vanilla Castor-Coconut HairOil. Great benefits await you!!!

Tell us what you think