Monday 31 August 2015

The Benefits of Steaming Your Hair

Hey HoneyVerans!
Let's Talk STEAM... 

What is hair steaming?

It basically means adding moisture in the form of moist heat (steam) to the hair strands. This can be done in a number of different ways such as using a handheld hair steamer, a standing steamer or even enjoying the steam after a long warm shower.

Why should you consider steaming?

1. Helps reduce breakage: the steam helps to add moisture and thus can make dry, brittle and thirsty hair supple, hydrated and healthy.

2. Lifts the cuticle to allow product/ingredient absorption: the warmth from the steam helps to raise the cuticle of our hair, which means that products/ingredients are more easily absorbed into the core. This can be particularly helpful for low porosity naturals that find it hard to get moisture deep into the core of the hair or products to be fully absorbed by the hair.

3. Enables hair stretching, less shrinkage and tangles: because the hair is hydrated, it usually means that there is less shrinkage which in turn means less tangles and knots. This makes it easier to detangle and can also lead to less breakage!

4. Refreshes curls without having to start over: you get to add moisture without having to soak your hair with water. This can be especially beneficial for those that suffer from dry brittle hair during winter and do not want to add water in the morning/night and perhaps risk getting a cold!

5. Helps clean the scalp and promote hair growth: the warmth from the steam can actually help fight through some product build-up/dirt on the scalp, making it easier to keep your scalp clean. A clean scalp is a healthy scalp and a healthy scalp means healthy growth. The warmth also helps stimulate blood flow in the scalp which again helps with hair growth.

When and or how often should you steam?

It really depends on how dry your hair feels, how often you need to wash your hair and how difficult/easy it is for products such as deep conditioners, leave-in conditioners etc. to penetrate your hair strands. In all likelihood, you will not require daily hair steaming however you might feel that 
1 – 2 times a week gives you happy, hydrated hair that looks and feels lush, plump and truly hydrated.
article source



Wednesday 19 August 2015

For LONGER, HEALTIER HAIR...Do this and change that

  • Hey HoneyVerans!!!!!
  • Longer Healthier Hair...Here We Come!!!

  • #1: Use MINIMAL to NO heat on your hair

  • #2: Use CASTOR and coconut OIL 2 times a week on your hair or scalp 
  • #3: Protective styling is optional
  • #4: DRINK 8 glasses of water daily
  • #5: Consume 2 SERVINGS of dark veggies a day 

Vegetables rich in vitamins, fibers and minerals are known to help with hair growth and maintaining texture and smoothness. Let's not forget our water as well! If you drink about 8 cups of water a day, not only will your body feel better, but your hair will become stronger. The stronger the hair, the faster it grows--it's that simple!
Castor oil is often overlooked as a health and beauty treatment.  Castor oil contains vitamin E, minerals, proteins, antibacterial and anti-fungicidal properties. In addition to healing benefits, castor oil also contains anti-inflammatory properties, all of which are related to healthy hair growth. 
One of the key foods that you should include in your diet are vegetables which contain a ton of  vitamins and proteins, almost dark green veggies help with hair growth.
Eating a diet that includes good portions of vegetables will allow your hair to get the nutrients it needs for healthy growth. And since almost all vegetables contain these essential ingredients we need, practically all vegetables are beneficial for good hair growth. Spinach, Swiss chard, collards and kale all contain vitamins A and C, which help your body produce sebum. Sebum, an oily substance produced by hair follicles, acts as a natural conditioner for your hair. These vegetables also have calcium and iron, two minerals needed for hair growth.
If you have a hair condition in which you have experienced thinning, changing your diet to include vegetables is one of the first things solve your problem. There are so many green veggie options, this goal can easily be accomplish. If you have questions or concerns feel free to consult a nutritionist to help you make changes to your diet that can help your hair grow.



Monday 17 August 2015

Things that DO NOT Make Your Hair Grow

Hey HoneyVerans!!!!!!
Check out this article...

For years there has been misinformation about hair growth. Hair care is full of old wives’ tales that need to die. With the access to licensed cosmetologists who style curly hair and product chemists who formulate our products, it is time to get all of the facts straight. You no longer have to wonder if your efforts are in vain when you can seek the knowledge of those who have been formally educated paired with experience to confirm or deny tradition practices that have been passed through generations. 

Poor hygiene

A dirty scalp and hair are not a breeding ground for growth but rather bacteria. A clean scalp is a healthy scalp. The reason why so many associate a dirty scalp with growth is because of the low manipulation. The dirt buildup is not stimulating growth, quite the opposite, rather the hair is experiencing less mechanical breakage. Dryness and over manipulation are the two main causes for breakage, so washing and styling the hair less leads to more length retention. 

Trimming your ends

Your hair grows from the scalp and not the ends. Trimming your ends removes the damage that naturally splits and breaks over time due to overmanipulation, excessive heat usage, chemical processing, and natural weathering. This also gives the perception that trims make your hair grow when in reality you are retaining more length because you are removing the damaged ends before they break off and taper.

Greasing your scalp

Peppermint oil, coconut oil, castor oil, tea tree oil, and jojoba oil are great for scalp stimulation and lubrication, but using grease formulated with mineral oil and/or petrolatum oil suffocates the scalp, which can prevent it from functioning at its healthiest potential. Remember that the scalp is a part of the epidermis, which needs oxygen to function properly like the rest of your skin. If your scalp is experiencing flaking and dandruff, then the grease is not eliminating the problem, but merely causing the shed skin to stick to the scalp and clogging the scalp.
(So DO NOT USE mineral oil and/or petrolatum oils)

So, what makes your hair grow?

A healthy lifestyle consisting of a balanced diet, exercise, clean scalp, and low stress levels are how you ensure that your body is performing at its best to properly nourish your hair’s follicle. There are cases where the follicle has been damaged and a dermatologist and trichologist can properly diagnose and treat the problem, as scalp conditions can affect your scalp’s ability to foster and grow hair. Moisturize (with VERAGROW) and strengthen your strands so that it breaks less and retains your length. 
HONEY VERA NOTE: VeraGrow also contains ingredients that can stimulate growth by encouraging blood flow to the scalp, moisturizing the hair follicles and scalp and helping you to retain your length. Let's begin your hair growth journey. Email us at and get your very own bottle :)
